Jane Riordan, Psychotherapist
Qualifications and Experience
I hold an M.A. in Gestalt Psychotherapy and a Diploma from the Gestalt Centre, London, in Individual and Group Psychotherapy. I am registered as a psychotherapist and supervisor with UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy). I also hold a Diploma in Supervision.
Following a few years in finance in the City most of my working life has involved therapeutic work with children, families and parents. I have worked extensively with adults and children who had had very traumatic and/or abused childhoods. For many years I worked with adults whose early experiences and subsequent circumstances restricted their ability to care for their own children, helping them develop the personal resources - and any parent needs lots of these! - to respond to the demands and complexity of being a parent and supporting them when their difficulties led at times to the loss of their children. I also worked with families who were reparenting children in care whether through adoption or fostering.
I have worked in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service and for several years in an honorary capacity in the Adult Mental Health Service.
Since 2003 I have run a private practice in Farnham where I see mainly adults, individually, in couples or in groups. Although I have worked extensively with children in the past I am currently limiting my work to those who are16+. For my supervision and coaching work please see later pages.
Some of my clients have never seen a counsellor or therapist before others may have a great deal of experience of being in therapy. Our work is not prescriptive but is tailored to each individual.
Clients I have seen have presented with very diverse difficulties, this range has included: